Content about "working hours"

Piirros henkilöstä, joka kantaa suurta paperipinoa, läppäriä ja kelloa.
Under the Working Hours Act, regular working hours shall not exceed eight hours a day or 40 hours a week. Overtime is defined as work that exceeds these maximum limits.
News article

Piirrustus, jossa kaksi ihmishahmoa seisoo suuren kellotaulun ääressä, toisella on kädessään harppi.
Underperformance is a term that is commonly used by employers, but it has no precise legal meaning.
News article

Lapsi ja aikuinen katsovat kännykkää.
The provisions concerning variable workings hours in the Employment Contracts Acts were amended, and the family leave reform entered into force on 1 August 2022.
News article

Moving to a new country is never easy, there are hundreds of new things to learn and customs to adapt to. But for many, adjusting to a new working life can be the biggest shock of all. Below are a few Finnish norms that required an adjustment from my perspective as a Canadian.
Blog post

Information and advice on making an employment contract.

Working time banks provide greater flexibility and make it easier to harmonise work and leisure time.
News article