Dual membership
Dual members can take advantage of not only the services and benefits of their main union, but also those offered by TEK. Learn more about the different options!
If you want to be a member of TEK in addition to your own union, dual membership is the right choice for you!
Dual members enjoy the benefits and services of both unions at a lower total price.
The following unions have a dual membership agreement with TEK:
- RIL – Finnish Association of Civil Engineers
- Tekniska Föreningen i Finland TFiF, Swedish-speaking association
- Finnish Association of Architects SAFA
- Ornamo Art and Design Finland
- Trade Union of Education in Finland OAJ
- Finnish Union of University Professors
When you become a dual member, TEK membership becomes your secondary membership. See the sections below on each organisation for more information on benefits, fees and other issues.
Please note that as a dual member, you may join an unemployment fund via your main union, not TEK.
More information
Finnish Association of Civil Engineers RIL is open to those who have completed a higher academic degree in the field of built environment and those studying towards such a degree. As a general rule, RIL members can join RIL-TEK as dual members.
If you are already a member of both RIL and TEK, you should become a dual member. RIL-TEK dual members enjoy the benefits and services of both associations at a lower total price.
Member benefits
TEK promotes the professional interests of RIL-TEK dual members in cooperation with YTN, JUKO and Akava. In practice, we negotiate better working conditions for our members for their sectoral collective agreements. Terms and conditions of employment play an important part in whether we have time for life outside of work and for recovery, among other things.
As an expert organization that represents the entire construction industry and the built environment, RIL is responsible for promoting professional matters in the sector. Both associations are responsible for the development of membership benefits and services for their dual members.
RIL-TEK members enjoy all the benefits of full RIL members (in Finnish). Unemployment fund membership is also handled through RIL.
TEK offers the following benefits:
- Working conditions and collective bargaining – We work hard to make sure that you will have time and energy also for things outside of work
- Employment relationship and legislation – Our lawyers will help you with legal issues related to employment and entrepreneurship
- Job search and career – We offer you comprehensive tools for job search and career planning
- Salary – What is the right salary level for you? See our statistics, or ask our salary experts for advice!
- Wellbeing – We offer services to support your wellbeing when work becomes stressful
- Events and training – We organize numerous events and trainings with top speakers
- Member benefits – Save money by using our banking, insurance and leisure benefits!
The Alma Media magazine bundle offered by TEK is not included in the benefits of dual membership. Dual members will receive RIL’s membership magazines and the TEK magazine.
RIL offers the following benefits:
- Legal services & liability and legal expenses insurance for the most challenging events in your career
- Member benefit magazines, such as Rakennuslehti, Tekniikka&Talous digital version, Rakennustekniikka
- Salary recommendations for technical students and salary statistics for all members
- Discounts on RIL training and publications, various services and insurances, among other things
- Information sessions and other professional development events for members
- RIL’s rich and diverse leisure activities (e.g. sports and cultural events)
- Mentoring in its various forms
- Vierumäki villa available for rent at an affordable price
- Benefits on investment services
- Women’s network to support your career
Membership fee
The TEK membership fee for RIL-TEK members is €159/year. Dual members also pay the normal RIL membership fee in addition to this. RIL invoices the entire dual membership fee from members, including any unemployment fund membership fee.
Become a RIL-TEK member
Let us know you wish to become a dual member by sending your contact details to RIL via email to jatta.lytter@ril.fi.
Finnish Association of Architects SAFA is open to those who have completed a university degree in architecture in Finland, or a five-year university degree that meets the requirements of the European Union’s Professional Qualifications Directive for architects. SAFA’s salaried members may also choose to become SAFA-TEK dual members.
Member benefits
TEK promotes the professional interests of salaried architects in cooperation with YTN, JUKO and Akava. In practice, we negotiate better working conditions for our members for their sectoral collective agreements. Terms and conditions of employment play an important part in whether we have time for life outside of work and for recovery, among other things.
SAFA promotes the professional and ideological interests of architects. Unemployment fund membership is also handled through SAFA. See all SAFA services and benefits here (in Finnish).
Both associations are responsible for the development of membership benefits and services for their dual members.
TEK offers the following benefits:
- Working conditions and collective bargaining – We work hard to make sure that you will have time and energy also for things outside of work
- Employment relationship and legislation – Our lawyers will help you with legal issues related to employment and entrepreneurship
- Job search and career – We offer you comprehensive tools for job search and career planning
- Salary – What is the right salary level for you? See our statistics, or ask our salary experts for advice!
- Wellbeing – We offer services to support your wellbeing when work becomes stressful
- Events and training – We organize numerous events and trainings with top speakers
- Member benefits – Save money by using our banking, insurance and leisure benefits!
The Alma Media magazine bundle offered by TEK is not included in the benefits of dual membership. Dual members will receive SAFA’s membership magazines and the TEK magazine.
Membership fee
The SAFA-TEK dual membership costs the same as a normal SAFA membership, so a dual membership incurs no additional costs. SAFA handles the invoicing of the fees.
Become a SAFA-TEK member
Tekniska Föreningen i Finland is the only union for Swedish-speaking academic engineers and architects in Finland.
Swedish-speaking people and those interested in activities organized in Swedish can become TFiF-TEK dual members.
For more information, visit the TFiF website (in Swedish).
The Trade Union of Education in Finland OAJ is open to all who work in the field of education or in a comparable position. Members must be salaried employees in the field of education or hold an expert or managerial position within the educational system.
OAJ members with an MSc in Technology or with an equivalent university degree who work in the field of education as teachers, or in a comparable profession, can become OAJ-TEK dual members.
Member benefits
OAJ-TEK dual members receive the following TEK member benefits:
- TEK’s salary research and advice
- Advocacy in professional and ideological matters (educational policy and technology-related activities)
- TEK magazine and calendar
- One magazine of your choice published by Alma Media: Tekniikka&Talous, Talouselämä, Tivi, Mikrobitti, Arvopaperi. You can order more paper magazines for an additional fee, read more here.
OAJ promotes the professional interests of OAJ-TEK dual members. Unemployment fund membership and other insurance coverage are also determined according to your OAJ membership.
Membership fee
OAJ-TEK dual membership costs €112/year in addition to the OAJ membership fee. TEK handles the invoicing for dual membership, and OAJ handles the invoicing for its own membership.
Become an OAJ-TEK member
If you are not yet a member of OAJ, join OAJ first. If you want to become an OAJ-TEK dual member, please contact the TEK member service.
Ornamo's members are designers and artists from a wide range of fields. Ornamo members working as salaried employees in the field of industry or in design, software and digital companies, for example, may become Ornamo-TEK dual members.
Furthermore, student members of Ornamo studying at universities of applied sciences, Aalto University’s School of Arts, Design and Architecture, or the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland can also become student members of TEK.
Member benefits
TEK promotes the professional interests of salaried designers in cooperation with YTN, JUKO and Akava. In practice, we negotiate better working conditions for our members for their sectoral collective agreements. Terms and conditions of employment play an important part in whether we have time for life outside of work and for recovery, among other things.
Ornamo promotes the professional and ideological interests of its members. Unemployment fund membership is also handled through Ornamo. See all Ornamo services and benefits here.
Both associations are responsible for the development of membership benefits and services for their dual members.
TEK offers the following benefits:
- Working conditions and collective bargaining – We work hard to make sure that you will have time and energy also for things outside of work
- Employment relationship and legislation – Our lawyers will help you with legal issues related to employment and entrepreneurship
- Job search and career – We offer you comprehensive tools for job search and career planning
- Salary – What is the right salary level for you? See our statistics, or ask our salary experts for advice!
- Wellbeing – We offer services to support your wellbeing when work becomes stressful
- Events and training – We organize numerous events and trainings with top speakers
- Member benefits – Save money by using our banking, insurance and leisure benefits!
The Alma Media magazine bundle offered by TEK is not included in the benefits of dual membership. Dual members will receive Ornamo's membership magazines and the TEK magazine.
Membership fee
TEK’s membership fee is €159/year for Ornamo members. Dual members also pay the normal Ornamo membership fee in addition to this. Ornamo handles the invoicing of the fees.
Become an Ornamo-TEK member
If you would like to become an Ornamo-TEK dual member or a TEK student member, please contact the Ornamo office: office@ornamo.fi, +358 46 878 2569.
The Finnish Union of University Professors is open to university professors as well as researchers and teachers who hold a comparable position.
TEK has a dual membership agreement with the Finnish Union of University Professors. You can be a member of both unions, and you will receive a -20% discount on the TEK membership fee.
The membership fee for dual members of the Finnish Union of University Professors is 0.6% of the member’s salary. Unemployment fund membership is arranged via the Finnish Union of University Professors, and the membership fee of the fund is included in the Union’s membership fee.
TEK and the Finnish Union of University Professors each invoice their membership fees separately.
Become a member of the Finnish Union of University Professors and TEK
If you are a member of TEK and would also like to become a member of the Finnish Union of University Professors, please fill in the application form found here. Remember to indicate on the form that you are also a member of TEK.
If you are already a member of the Finnish Union of University Professors and would also like to become a member of TEK, please fill in the TEK application form found here. Then inform the TEK membership service about your dual membership to receive the discount.