According to a recent survey conducted by Industrial Employees TP, decision-makers in Finnish companies are on average quite happy with Finnish collective agreements. The companies most happy with the Finnish collective bargaining system are the largest ones.
The result does not surprise TEK’s Labour Market Director Teemu Hankamäki. According to Hankamäki, knowledge reduces suffering.
– Those familiar with the collective bargaining system are also familiar with its upsides, such as the very comprehensive opportunities for local negotiations. If one is unfamiliar with the system, one might fall under the impression that local negotiating is not possible or that it is difficult. This is a shame, as collective agreements present a multitude of opportunities for both employees and companies, says Hankamäki.
Based on the survey, those corporate decision-makers who adhere to collective agreements and know them best were also most pleased with the employment terms at their company and the Finnish collective bargaining system in general.
The most negative reviews came from those who had at most a moderate understanding of the collective agreements adhered to at their company, or from decision-makers who did not adhere to collective agreements at all.