Master of Science in Technology and Member of Parliament Mari-Leena Talvitie (NCP) from Oulu will continue as the chair of Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK’s board. The new General Council elected the chair of the board at its organizational meeting in Helsinki on Friday, September 8.
“The people at TEK are building an equal, safe working life and society for everyone, regardless of their background. We will continue our work to promote equality, with the goal of dismantling discriminatory structures and attitudes in working life. Everyone should be allowed to be themselves at work, and everyone should have the right to a good and fair working life,” states Talvitie.
Talvitie says that TEK develops impactful member services based on the wishes and needs of its members. This also includes individual services. TEK promotes the balance of work and family life through its advocacy work and its work on collective agreements. Raising the income level of TEK members will continue to be one of the main goals of TEK’s advocacy work.
“The people at TEK contribute to the internationalization of the labor market and make sure that there will be highly skilled experts in Finland also in the future. Especially now when both the state and the private sector are increasing their RDI investments, the number of experts we have in Finland should not be the bottleneck. The share of non-Finnish-speaking TEK members is also increasing, and this is reflected in our versatile service offering,” says Talvitie.
Mikko Merihaara (NCP) was elected as Talvitie’s designated deputy. Arto Timperi (Yht) was elected as the first vice chair of the board, and Jari Nummikoski (iTyö) was elected as the second vice chair of the board.

The board members for the period 2023–2026 are listed below. The name is followed by the member’s council group in parentheses, followed by the member’s designated deputy.
Back row, left to right (deputies are not in the picture)
Elina Wanne (NCP), Oskari Iivarinen
Pia Humalajoki (Youth), Essi Puustinen
Anne Granat-Jukakoski (TFiF), Jimmy Nylund
Middle row
Peppi Seppälä (Greens), Mikko Viilo, Noora Laak (Left Alliance) from March 31, 2025
Johanna Ahopelto (NCP), Jussi Kasurinen
Mikko Lasanen (Centre), Seija Kyhälä (iTyö) from March 31, 2025, Seija Kyhälä, Mikko Lasanen from March 31, 2023
Front row
Jari Nummikoski (2nd vice chair, iTyö), Anu Vaari
Mari-Leena Talvitie (NCP), Mikko Merihaara
Arto Timperi (1st vice chair, Yht), Elina Sillanpää
Mikko J. Salminen (Yht), Virpi Paavola
Missing from the picture
Maria Kultanen (Youth), Sini Piiparinen
Student representative (term of office is one calendar year) Noora Rautio, Julius Haapakoski
Confident, but alert to the technological revolution
Talvitie thinks that TEK needs to show initiative when discussing the ethical guidelines for new technologies. This applies to e.g. understanding the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence and new energy solutions, as well as influencing legislation and collective agreements.
“We are building a technological revolution with a confident and an appropriately critical mindset. When developing humanity, technology and the society, values and people need to be at the center, not on the sidelines. New developments in technology are constantly changing the labor market. These changes should also be reflected in the development of TEK’s advocacy services,” says Talvitie.
Under Mari-Leena Talvitie’s leadership, TEK will continue to build a responsible and sustainable society through digitalization and the green transition. TEK supports societal solutions that help technology promote the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, such as innovations that increase energy and resource efficiency.