Life is scary for immigrants in Finland, no matter their expertise. The recent increase in the length of time required for citizenship to eight years from five is the first major piece placed in the battle for Finland’s future. Since the election of last spring, changes like this have been coming. Changes that make this wonderful country a bit less wonderful for immigrants, and as a result, a bit less wonderful for everyone else. Changes that risk damaging Finland’s reputation worldwide, and leave those who have placed their trust and life into it feeling betrayed.
This policy is far from the last proposed. The extension of the three-month rule to six for specialists, while welcome, is still pushing forward a proposal that will have a dramatic impact on all non-EU immigrants. Not only will people directly be forced to leave, their chance of working an unfitting or exploitative job greatly increases. Mental health suffers, and we begin to build an immigrant community who is afraid to take risks. Combined with the rolling clouds of dark economic forecasts, the horizon may look bleak.
We cannot, however, let that consume us. By us, I don’t just mean myself and other immigrants, I mean every single person in Finland. It is so important that we all find the sources of positivity, then shout them out as loud as we can. If we don’t treat Finland as something worth fighting for, we lose the motivation to make meaningful change.
When we held the TEK V(V)appu Party in April, this was the intention. We wanted to bring the positivity that should accompany Vappu, and to talk about topics like language and culture as something that can be enjoyed by all. In other events we can focus on the serious topics and the difficult times, but while the sun shines and the sima is flowing, let’s remember the good of Finland. Let’s discuss the low hierarchy and the high trust. The closeness of nature and the distance of crime. The beauty of summer and the ”persistence” of winter (maybe less so that last one!)
I am proud that TEK is an ever-growing part of this good. We are now beginning the work to gather a committee to talk about international experts, composed of those experts. It is time we hear about what our members face, and time we learn from them how we can be better. Find out more here.
For my part, I will continue to be positive, because Finland has earned that from me. I hope with your help, Finland can keep earning it from others too.
Writer works at TEK as a Project Manager for International Experts
Instagram: @tekforall