Content about "column"

A tired student, a cup of coffee and homework.
This narrative explores the challenges faced by international students in Finland. For the sake of this story, let’s imagine a busy university student named Nara. She is trying to listen to a professor in a crowded lecture hall.
Blog post

A person walking in snow.
Do you also find the frosty, dark winter challenging? Your friendly neighborhood neurodivergent is here with his tricks. You might slip, but with a little gamified magic, you’ll glide through the long nights and keep those dopamine levels soaring!
Blog post

Owain Hopeaketo istuu toimiston pöydän kulmalla.
The language debate is changing, but our discussion points about it are not.
Blog post

A lecture in an auditorium with bright lights.
What if your brain worked differently than most of your peers? Imagine that clothes felt like sandpaper, that painfully bright lights were too dim for everyone around you, and that party music makes you feel like you’re a maracas being shaken.
Blog post

Owain Hopeaketo
You can all make a difference, and change the way our industry is treating foreign talent. You can battle for Finland’s reputation.
Blog post

TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen kuvattuna TEKin toimistolla
In Finland, we should be creating more work that is so productive that it is worth paying generously for and also taking good care of the people behind it.
Blog post

Owain Hopeaketo
It is so important that we all find the sources of positivity, then shout them out as loud as we can. If we don’t treat Finland as something worth fighting for, we lose the motivation to make meaningful change.
Blog post

Owain Hopeaketo istuu toimiston pöydän kulmalla.
“Do you know you have autistic traits?” It wasn’t a surprise to me when, during the pandemic and my complete burn-out at work, I was told this by a therapist.
Blog post

TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen kuvattuna TEKin toimistolla
It is important for EU institutions to have a good understanding of the conditions and situation in Finland as well.
Blog post

We need every single tech professional and natural scientist, as we navigate digitalization and the green transition.
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