The European Union and the decisions made there have significant impact on the lives of Finns. The EU is a major player, for example as a provider of research and innovation funding, a developer of transport infrastructure and a supporter of food production – not to mention legislation.
It is important for EU institutions to have a good understanding of the conditions and situation in Finland as well.
However, in recent years the number of recruited EU officials from Finland has been only half of what would be required to maintain a geographical balance.
A particular concern for Finland is the rapid retirement of officials, which accelerates the imbalance. The attrition rate of Finns is ten times higher than their recruitment rate.
When you are considering your career options, you should not rule out the possibility of working at the EU Commission, Parliament, Council or some other agency.
Interesting roles are available in many different fields, and a wide range of expertise is required. A Finnish university degree provides an excellent foundation for EU positions. Naturally, sufficient language skills are also necessary.
This is actually a win-win-win situation: the society and business life win, EU institutions win and the individual wins when a Finn steps into an EU career.
Finnish authorities should systematically talk about job opportunities in the EU, coach Finns for the demanding application process and support the career progression of EU officials who are familiar with Finland.
There is an article in TEK Magazine 2/2024 about Timo Hallantie, who works at the European Innovation Council, describing what it is like to work for an EU institution.
P.S. The elections for the European Parliament are coming up. Voting is also important.
The article is the editorial of TEK Magazine 2/2024.