Organisation 7.2.2025 | Blog post Together we make a bigger impact At TEK, we often work together with our partners to influence legislation and social decision-making that concerns TEK members.
Organisation 29.11.2024 | Blog post Make a difference by answering surveys The ongoing collective agreement negotiations are based, among other things, on the views expressed in our surveys by TEK members working in the sectors under negotiation.
Society 7.6.2024 | Blog post Finland needs real growth and productivity In Finland, we should be creating more work that is so productive that it is worth paying generously for and also taking good care of the people behind it.
Work life 23.4.2024 | Blog post Number of Finns in EU positions is collapsing It is important for EU institutions to have a good understanding of the conditions and situation in Finland as well.
Work life 16.2.2024 | Blog post Collective agreements are relevant, at least for many Many key terms and conditions are laid down in collective agreements and not in, say, the Finnish law.
Society 28.11.2023 | Blog post Uncertainty in the air The economic forecast for Finland is foggy, to say the least.