1. Members
TEK’s decision-making is based on member democracy. TEK members elect the General Council, which is TEK’s highest decision-making body.
2. Council
The General Council is TEK’s highest decision-making body, elected by member vote every three years. Next elections are held in 2026.
The Council consists of 70 delegates, currently 66 from the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK and 4 from the Swedish-speaking Tekniska Föreningen i Finland TFiF. Additionally, students have 7 seats. Student representatives are not elected but chosen through an open application process for one calendar year at a time.
The Council outlines how the interests of TEK members are promoted, what kind of member services are offered, and how the profession influences the surrounding society. The Council also elects the board and decides on financial matters, such as membership fees. The Council usually meets twice a year.
At the beginning of its term, the Council signs a Council Agreement, which defines the common goals of the council groups. These goals guide all of TEK’s activities for the three-year term.
3. Board
The board chosen by the Council is responsible for TEK’s operations in accordance with the Associations Act.
The board currently includes the chairperson and 11 members, one of whom is a student representative.
The board must ensure, for instance, that the organisation's bookkeeping is lawful, and that its financial management is reliably arranged.
The board chooses a CEO who is responsible for TEK’s operative functions and leads TEK's office. The board supports the office and the CEO in the fulfilment of the Council Agreement and other goals set by the Council.
Committees and other groups
The board sets committees for its term and they serve as the board’s advisers in matters concerning their respective fields of expertise. The committees may, for example, formulate opinions to support decision-making at the board’s request. The committees operate for a period of three years. Currently, the following committees are active:
- Education Committee (Koulutuspoliittinen valiokunta) deals with matters such as the organisation’s lobbying efforts in educational policies and the professional development of TEK members.
- Entrepreneurship Committee (Yrittäjävaliokunta) focuses on the special issues faced by entrepreneur members and influences the development of entrepreneurship policy and legislation in Finland.
- Member Community Committee (Yhteisövaliokunta) focuses on developing matters related to TEK membership.
- Municipal Committee (Kunnan valiokunta) supports promotion of interests and local operation in the municipal sector and serves as an expert in municipal labour market issues.
- Private Sector Committee (Yksityisen sektorin valiokunta) coordinates and develops labour market advocacy in the private sector as well as influences labour legislation.
- State Committee (Valtion valiokunta) participates in promotion of interests and labour market activities in the state sector.
- Technology and Innovation Committee (Teknologia- ja innovaatiopoliittinen valiokunta) monitors legislation in the areas of industry, economy, science, technology and the environment, and influences its implementation.
- University Committee (Korkeakouluvaliokunta) works to develop local operations in universities and coordinate labour market matters in its sector.
- Work Life Committee (Työelämävaliokunta) contributes to the societal debate on the development of work life and proposes solutions for different issues, for example.
- Youth Committee serves as the voice of youth inside TEK. The committee consists of representatives from student communities and young TEK members selected via an open application process.
Group for International Experts
Group for International Experts aims to support TEK's recruitment of foreign-language members and help TEK to develop its multilingual activities in a determined manner. The group will also promote the integration of international experts into Finnish work life and society. The group works in English. Current period: 1.8.2024-31.8.2025
Doctoral Group
Doctoral Group aims to study the impact of PhDs in the field of technology on the RDI activities of companies and to explore ways to strengthen their recruitment. Current period: 1.8.2024-31.8.2025
The Panel of Working Architects TAR (Työelämän arkkitehtiraati TAR) convenes TEK’s architect members to discuss and make proposals on issues related to the work life of architects. TEK’s committees and board consult the panel when making labour market decisions concerning architects.
Read more about TEK’s decision-making: www.tek.fi/decision-making