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YTN initiates industrial action in two sectors

News article

YTN expedites collective agreement negotiations by taking industrial action as of December 4th in the consulting sector and the technology industry.

YTN expedites the negotiations for a new collective agreement with Technology Industry Employers by declaring industrial actions in two sectors.

The consulting sector’s “ban on stretching” begins on December 4th and remains in effect until further notice. This means a ban on overtime work, the accumulation of flexitime hours and travelling for work purposes on one's own time.

A ban on overtime work is also in place for the technology industry between December 4th – 19th. Travelling for work purposes on one's own time is also prohibited during this time. Negotiations between YTN and the technology industry continue on December 15th. 

Trade Union Pro also set a ban on overtime work for salaried employees in the consulting sector.

The general raise is important for the consulting sector

YTN's Chief Negotiator Petteri Oksa states that the collective bargaining negotiations have ground to a halt in the consulting sector because the employer side is persistently holding on to a raise model that would not include a general raise of any kind.

Oksa emphasises the significance of a general raise for everyone as an ensurer of the membership's purchasing power. According to him the employer's proposal means a de facto pay cut for some senior salaried employees.

Tuula Aaltola, the ombudsman in charge of the sector, says that the general raise included in the collective agreement is extremely important to members in the sector.

– We know that our members are also ready to defend the general raise with the use of industrial action. Without industrial action the matter seems to be at a standstill, she states.

– Hopefully we can soon return to the negotiation table and move forward with a salary solution that is based on a general raise, Aaltola hopes.

The raise offered to the technology industry fails to exceed inflation predictions

According to YTN’s Chair Teemu Hankamäki, the initiation of industrial action is necessary because the raise offered in the negotiations falls well below the inflation prediction. Additionally, as the employer side had no readiness whatsoever to agree on a general raise sought by YTN, the negotiations were not fruitful.

– Despite the uncertainty caused by COVID-19, overall prospects appear positive in the tech sector, and the growth of productivity in the sector is predicted to be several per cent. Regardless, the employer side offers senior salaried employees a solution that would mean a reduction in purchasing power for a significant number of the sector's some 60 000 senior salaried employees, says Hankamäki.

– You can get nothing even without asking. It is pathetic that we were not even offered anything reasonable, and that reason must be sought via industrial action. Hopefully we can return to the negotiation table and agree on a wage solution that ensures the purchasing power of significant result makers in the tech sector. This is not possible without a wage solution that emphasises a general raise, says YTN’s Chief Negotiator Petteri Oksa.

YTN negotiates the collective agreements for TEK members in the private sector.

Read more on YTN's negotiation targets

Current negotiation situation (in Finnish)