Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.

An important spring!

Blog post

Vote in the TEK General Council elections and the Finnish parliamentary elections.

There are two important elections coming up this spring: the parliamentary elections and the TEK General Council elections. We already started communicating our themes to parliamentary election candidates last year. The work is long-term and will continue even after the government program has been completed. This work has several points of focus.

Expertise and its development are a prerequisite for our success. Our education system must be of the highest quality, from early childhood education to universities. We must tackle the skills shortage through international recruitment, while ensuring fair working conditions – for everyone.

A skills account or voucher must be introduced to facilitate the development of skills and competences in working life.

The target for investments in research, development and innovation should be 4% of Finland’s GDP. This requires both direct public investment and a supportive and reliable operating environment for businesses. This would be supported by a business subsidy reform, in which the remaining subsidies would be directed to future-oriented RDI activities.

Our world is also changing due to climate change, digitalization and the ageing of the Finnish population. We must move purposefully towards a circular economy and make Finland a superpower of green energy. Digital expertise must be improved at all levels of society.

A good career is made up of many elements, such as equality in working life, opportunities for development and learning, and mental well-being. The Occupational Safety and Health Act must be reformed to improve well-being at work, and a skills account or voucher must be introduced to facilitate the development of skills and competences in working life.

Taxation on earned income must be reduced for all income groups. This can be financed through higher employment, stronger economic growth and by increasing environmental, emission and consumption taxes. There are many excellent Members of Parliament who are also members of TEK, but there is always room for more. The direction of TEK’s development will once again be decided at the TEK General Council elections.

Both elections are important. Remember to vote!

This article was previously published in TEK Magazine 1/2023.