Content about "board of directors"

TEKin hallituksen puheenjohtaja Mari-Leena Talvitie
Although I am leaving TEK’s management, TEK is not leaving me.
Blog post

TEKin hallituksen puheenjohtaja Mari-Leena Talvitie
The duties of TEK's chair can be divided into TEK activities and other advocacy efforts. Board activities are governed by values, the council agreement and the annual budget and plan.
Blog post

TEK-ministerit yhteiskuvassa.
TEK is opposed to the entries in the government programme that jeopardise the position of international talent.
News article

Palaveri neuvotteluhuoneessa jäsenten kesken
TEK is founded, owned and managed by its members. The General Council, chosen from among the members, is TEK’s highest decision-making body.