Content about "award"

Juha Heinonen
The world’s most sensitive photodetector, an environmentally friendly weather balloon and the use of machine learning to detect Parkinson’s disease. These are the topics of the winning theses in 2023 that received awards from TEK, TFiF and MAL.
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F. M. Mahafugur Rahman, author of the best doctoral thesis of 2022
The winners are from Aalto University and the University of Eastern Finland. The best doctoral thesis, master’s thesis in engineering or architecture and master’s thesis in mathematics, physics or computer science of 2022 were awarded today in Helsinki.
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Secretary General of Seta Kerttu Tarjamo and TEK's Work Life Specialist Sirkku Pohja at TEK's office in Pasila.
Seta grants the Apple of Good Information annually to an individual or community that has advanced the position of sexual or gender minorities or spread good, factual information about the diversity of sexual orientation and gender. TEK is the first trade union to receive the recognition.
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Developers of the simulator technology.
Here are the finalists for the Finnish Engineering Award 2022.
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ABB:n Azipod-yksikkö
Nominate a candidate for the Finnish Engineering Award 2022. You can also nominate yourself. The award is worth 30 000 euros.
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Vuonna 2007 aloittaneen ABB Marine & Ports -divisioonan propulsioyksikön johtoryhmän jäseniä
This time around, Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK and Tekniska Föreningen i Finland TFiF decided to grant the award to a technology instead of a group of people. ABB donates the entire award sum to the John Nurminen Foundation for the protection of the Baltic Sea.
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TEKin väitöskirjapalkittu, apulaisprofessori Onel Luis Alcazar López seisoo tummaa seinää vasten ja pitää kannettavaa tietokonetta kädessään.
This year’s award-winning theses in technology examined the development of connections in the Internet of Things, the Earth's magnetosphere, drone jamming and quasiregularly elliptic manifolds.
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The five finalists for the Finnish Engineering Award 2021
TEK and TFiF are about to give an award worth 30,000 euros to a significant contribution to engineering or architecture. The finalists take on challenges of energy and food production, make seafaring ships and rock drilling more energy efficient and give touchscreens longer lifespans.
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The winning team of Abacus Diagnostica.
Acknowledging Finnish engineering achievement is an honour for us. TEK and TFiF annually present a 30 000-euro award to an individual or a team that has remarkably advanced technical competence in Finland.

SITP, robottibussi, Sensible4
We give out annual awards to the best theses and studies by children and adolescents. TEK and TFiF also present the Finnish Engineering Award, which is worth 30 000 euros.

TEK and TFiF honour the best creative idea with the Finnish Engineering Award. Submit your candidate by the 25th of April.
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Asad Awan, the winner of this year’s doctoral thesis award, paves the way for the successor to the alternating-current motor developed by Nikola Tesla.
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Difficult weather conditions are the Achilles' heel of self-driving vehicles. Thanks to its technological solutions, the Sensible 4 GACHA bus can complete its route regardless of rain, snow or fog.
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TEK and TFiF will reward the best creative idea with 30 000 euros.
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