Content about "tech"

Owain Hopeaketo istuu toimiston pöydän kulmalla.
The language debate is changing, but our discussion points about it are not.
Blog post

Timo Hallantie seisoo takanaan Bryssel.
Timo Hallantie allocates EU money to breakthrough technologies and encourages to apply for EU jobs.
News article

Joukko opiskelijoita aurinkopaneelin äärellä.
Both male and female tech students feel they belong in the student community, but men feel a stronger sense of belonging in the field of technology. Gender minorities report the lowest sense of belonging. Where exactly does the problem lie?
News article

Henkilö katsoo puhelinta.
62 percent of tech students use generative artificial intelligence tools in their studies. According to surveys conducted by TEK in the autumn of 2023, AI tools have been adopted faster in studies than in working life. However, there is a lot of uncertainty among tech students about the use of artificial intelligence. Respondents in working life, on the other hand, are very confident about the continuation of their own employment despite the increasing use of AI tools.
News article

Juha Heinonen
The world’s most sensitive photodetector, an environmentally friendly weather balloon and the use of machine learning to detect Parkinson’s disease. These are the topics of the winning theses in 2023 that received awards from TEK, TFiF and MAL.
News article

Petro Lahtinen katsoo kameraan Woodion tehtaalla.
Petro Lahtinen has gone from a university laboratory straight to the global bathroom market. The next step is finding money and a location for a ten-million-euro factory investment.
News article

Puupino sellutehtaan pihassa.
Businesses in the forest industry invest more than 300 million euros annually in research, development and innovation. “Innovation activities do not just mean brand-new products.”
News article