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Your shop steward is a membership benefit

News article

A shop steward represents you at your workplace, for example in local agreements and in negotiations on changes. They also provide personal support and advice.

Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK works with other Akava trade unions in the private sector under the name YTN (Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff), and in the public sector under the name JUKO (Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals). This is because the a workplace’s employees do not consist of just TEK members, but members of many different unions. TEK members in the workplace are therefore represented by YTN and JUKO shop stewards, regardless of which union the employees belong to.

Finnish legislation is rather loose when it comes to working conditions, and therefore collective and local agreements have a major impact in this respect.

YTN and JUKO train and support shop stewards in various ways and keep in touch with them. The employee representatives act as the ears and eyes of the unions in the workplace. They are involved in the development of collective and local agreements because they have insight into how these agreements should be negotiated in the interests and wishes of employees.

Finnish legislation is rather loose when it comes to working conditions, and therefore collective and local agreements have a major impact in this respect. These agreements define, for example, all paid parental leave, holiday pay, pay for extended sick leave and general pay increases.

A shop steward is elected based on a collective agreement and an employee representative based on the Employment Contracts Act. In some sectors, there are separate representatives for senior salaried employees and other salaried employees. In some other sectors, such as IT services, there is only one category of staff and therefore one shop steward represents all staff.

Do not hesitate to contact your shop steward. Your shop steward is there for you.

Should you become a shop steward?

Is there a shop steward at your workplace? Shop stewards are elected by the employees. YTN and JUKO help organise the elections.

Representing your work community can bring a whole new meaning to your work, you will meet new people and learn a lot about the rules of the game.