Content about "shop steward"

Työporukka pöydän ääressä, ylhäältä päin kuvattuna.
A desire to develop the working conditions or terms of employment at the workplace is the biggest motivator for taking up a position of trust, shows a survey of employee representatives conducted by the Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff YTN. A third of the survey respondents reported this as the main reason for taking up the position of trust.
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Kim Englund
An employee representative helps staff members with matters relating to their employment. They also act as negotiators and mediators between employees and employers. Here we introduce one of them.
News article

Petro Julkunen katsoo kameraan.
An employee representative helps staff members with matters relating to their employment. They also act as negotiators and mediators between employees and employers. Here we introduce one of them.
News article

Anne-Mari Kuoppala
An employee representative helps staff members with matters relating to their employment. They also act as negotiators and mediators between employees and employers. Here we introduce one of them.
News article

Mario Fürst
Being a shop steward is quite similar in Austria and Finland, says Mario Fürst, Automation Engineer and shop steward from Borealis Austria. He visited TEK for 3,5 weeks as a part of his shop steward training.
News article

Harri Kaarre (vasemmalla), Mika Mäntymäki, Marko Honkalampi ja Marko Määttä juttelevat viikonlopun ylitöistä CATR-kammion (Compact Antenna Test Range) edessä. Oranssit piikit ovat absorbereita, jotka vaimentavat signaalit.
Work life. Many mistakenly fear that working as a shop steward will stand in the way of career progression, says Marko Honkalampi. “It doesn’t, as I myself can testify.”
News article

Henkilöitä istuu TEK Loungessa Tampereella.
The position of trust allows the employee to have a say in workplace matters together with the employer. Many workplaces in the private sector will soon be electing new shop stewards. Have you considered running for the position?
Blog post

Lakiasiantuntija, asiakas, lakipalvelu, toimisto
A shop steward represents you at your workplace, for example in local agreements and in negotiations on changes. They also provide personal support and advice.
News article

TEK's specialist compiled a list of five ways for employee representatives to better take LGBTQ employees into account. TEK’s lawyer summarises how the rights of minorities are secured by legislation.
News article

Kaksi henkilöä keskustelee pöydän ääressä.
What is it and what to do when facing change negotiations?