Content about "Students"

Kolme opiskelijahaalareihin pukeutunutta henkilöä pitelee uutta, itäsuomalaista tupsulakkia.
The first teekkaris at the University of Eastern Finland received their tassel caps on May Day this year. The cap has been designed by the teekkaris themselves.
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Especially because of the changes in the legislation, now is the time to join KOKO fund.
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Manu Kiiskilä esittelee työtään Tutki-Kokeile-Kehitä 2024 finaalissa.
This year’s winners of the TuKoKe science competition for children and young people came from Tampere and Taipalsaari, as well as from Maunula, Puistola and Etelä-Haaga in Helsinki. The name TuKoKe stands for “tutki, kokeile, kehitä,” meaning “explore, experiment, develop.”
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Sali täynnä teekkareita.
The May Day aka vappu magazines published by teekkaris are greatly anticipated, loved, hated and frowned upon. This is how Tamppi is born.
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Piiroskuvassa kaksi henkilöä keskustee työkalupakin äärellä.
The summer job search season is underway! Student, grab the latest TEK job search and career planning guide, Työkirja 2024, from your campus to support your job search or thesis job search.
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Talvinen ulkokuva teekkarisauna Mörrimöykystä.
The newly renovated sauna in Tampere is not just a place to enjoy good löylys. It’s a space reserved specifically for students.
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Joukko opiskelijoita aurinkopaneelin äärellä.
Both male and female tech students feel they belong in the student community, but men feel a stronger sense of belonging in the field of technology. Gender minorities report the lowest sense of belonging. Where exactly does the problem lie?
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Mustavalkoinen kuva Teekkarirallyesta 1969.
Tech students (teekkarit) were among the first to organise a rally competition in Finland. Even the competitors of Teekkarirallye have fallen victim to jäynäs or practical jokes.
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Owain Hopeaketo
Being Teekkari would not be what it is today without a hugely varied collection of people. For example, Teekkari culture is becoming increasingly international, writes TEK's international student liaison Owain Hopeaketo.
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Nuori mies istuu kannettavan tietokoneen äärellä kotonaan.
Samuli Hietala and Atte Rimppi want to expand the narrow definition of an ideal man. They provide low-threshold mental health support for young men and offer them a space to be heard.
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Työkirjan kansikuva.
TEK Workbook is a job search and career planning guide for students in technology, architecture, mathematics and natural sciences.
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Jäynäkilpailun voittajat saivat mukaansa kiertopalkinnon
In the best Jäynä, or practical joke, citizens were asked for ideas for new sounds for electric cars.
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Opiskelija haalareissaan
The ability to identify problems in one's life is the key to good life management.
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Matti Vähä-Heikkilä yllään merkkejä täynnä olevat opiskelijahaalarinsa ja viitta, kuvattuna valkoista taustaa vasten.
The well over one thousand fabric patches owned by Matti Vähä-Heikkilä from Turku would not fit on a standard pair of overalls, so he had to get a cape for them. The set is now on display at a museum in Lieto.
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Tomi Gullstén nostaa sinervää haalaria.
Tampere-based companies Tam-Folio and reveal what happens in the time between a student placing an order for overalls and receiving them to wear.
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Antero Hakapää astuu alas nurmitöyräältä Otaniemen kampuksella.
Antero Hakapää and seven other students of materials science and technology were the first in Finland to start using student overalls as their uniform. The group of friends which goes by the name Oopperan Ystävät (“Friends of Opera”) still meets on a regular basis.
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Sofia Saarinen nojaa toimistohyllyyn.
Sofia Saarinen put together an equality guide for students as a project commissioned by TEK. According to Saarinen, the number one golden rule of equality is: listen and learn.
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Isä ja parikymppinen lapsi istuvat olohuoneen lattialla ja juttelevat.
Is your child studying at a higher education institution? Or is someone you know applying for higher education? Here are some tips from experts on how the folks back home can support students.
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Tampereen teekkarikaste käynnissä, korissa koskeen kastettuja teekkareita.
Higher education in technology began in Tampere in the autumn of 1965.
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Jämeräpartaisen insinöörin patsas Opiskelijakulttuurimuseossa.
The Grim Bearded Engineer (Jämeräpartainen Insinööri) has given the Tempaus order in Otaniemi since 1924.
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Opiskelijoita kävelee rappusissa.
Students who write their thesis for a company are four times more likely to find high-quality employment.
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kahvikuppi, johon heijastuu sateenkaari
Technology students who belong to sexual and/or gender minorities see more risks in their future than students who do not belong to these minorities.
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Vastavalmistuneita ruohikolla
“Aside from being a human problem, wearing out future talent while they are still at school is socially unsustainable,” says Director of Public Affairs Juhani Nokela from Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK.
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Kuvassa on TEKille diplomityönsä tehnyt Antti Ilmavirta
Antti Ilmavirta's thesis found that the associations that provide freshman education consider their activities to be inclusive, but also identify areas that need to be improved. Ilmavirta will now be able to use the lessons learned from his thesis as the Executive Director of the Aalto University Student Union.
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teekkarilakin valmistusta
TEK Magazine looked into the manufacturing process of the iconic Finnish tassel cap (teekkarilakki) and followed its journey from the hands of sewers to the hat store on Sofiankatu in Helsinki.
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Results to the question "I fear I will face discrimination in my future career (LGBTQI+ students)"
Technology students who belong to sexual and/or gender minorities see more risks in their future than students who do not belong to these minorities.
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TuKoKe-kilpailun pääsarjan voittajat 2022
The level of participants in this year's TuKoKe science competition was high. Children and young people met at the final event of the competition in Espoo in early April.
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Jyväskylän teekkarikaste 2022
At the first dipping (teekkarikaste) of engineering students at the University of Jyväskylä, a row of freshmen waded in the waters of Lake Jyväsjärvi up to their chests. In Turku, the new tradition is river-dipping.
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students walking
Technology students belonging to minorities face more harassment and mistreatment than non-minority students. Their experiences include exclusion, undervaluing their skills, inappropriate comments and sexual harassment.
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Teekkarilakki vuodelta 1904.
The tassel is a big bone of contention in the history of the engineering students’ cap (teekkarilakki).
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