Content about "employment relationship"

Piirrustus, jossa kaksi ihmishahmoa seisoo suuren kellotaulun ääressä, toisella on kädessään harppi.
Underperformance is a term that is commonly used by employers, but it has no precise legal meaning.
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Piirros henkilöstä, joka kävelee poispäin sylissään huonekasvi ja olallaan euro-merkkinen kassi.
The so-called unemployment pathway to early retirement (eläkeputki in Finnish) is being phased out, and it will be replaced by the new transition security allowance for those who have reached the age of 55 years and have been dismissed from their job.
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Lapsi ja aikuinen katsovat kännykkää.
The provisions concerning variable workings hours in the Employment Contracts Acts were amended, and the family leave reform entered into force on 1 August 2022.
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Mies katsoo läppäriä
The key change is that the employer now has to pay compensation to the employee for the period they are bound by the non-competition agreement.
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Kahden henkilön välinen keskustelu, toimisto
Insurance for TEK members covers legal and litigation expenses.

What is included in the working hours? In which situations is time spent on travelling included in working hours?

Information about agreements made for terminating an employment on mutual understanding.

Are you considering resigning? Read what you have to take account of when you resign.

When can an employee terminate the employment? What process must be followed?

The period of notice is part of a normal employment relationship, during which both parties must keep fulfilling the duties they have due to the employment relationship.

Information about non-competition agreements and competing activities.

In what situations is it possible to make a fixed-term employment contract? Information about fixed-term employments.

There is no trial period, unless otherwise agreed. On what grounds can an employment agreement be cancelled during trial period?

Information and advice on making an employment contract.

Kaksi henkilöä keskustelee pöydän ääressä.
TEK’s lawyers help you with the legal matters of work life. We provide advice to all our members, whether they are employees, employers or entrepreneurs.

Nainen istuu kahvilla
If you are looking for a job or about to start working in Finland, here’s a short list of some of the things you might find useful knowing before entering your place of work.

Vihkoja, kirjoja, kyniä ja sakset työpöydällä
Here you can find information on some of the most common employment terms and standards in Finland.

Luova teknologia
How to find more information about living in Finland? Take a look at our list!

The duties of a supervisor include cooperation and getting along with employees. But how can you cope with a difficult subordinate?
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Neither party to an agreement may alter an essential term of the agreement without consent from the other agreeing party.
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Here we have collected basic information on lay-offs and the temporary changes that the pandemic has caused to legislation and collective agreements concerning the laying off process.
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There are many factors that you need to consider in order for your transition to a new job to go smoothly. To avoid risks, you must also do certain things in the right order.
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