Content about "recent graduate"

Opiskelijat kävelevät Oulun yliopiston käytävällä.
The number of graduating academic engineers and architects was 19 per cent higher last year than in 2022. A tech degree carries significant weight – four out of five graduates had a job at the time of graduation and the median monthly salary was 3,600 euros.
News article

Piiroskuvassa on kolme opiskelijaa matematiikkaa kuvaavien elementtien kanssa.
How easily do academic engineers and architects graduating from different fields of study find jobs? Are there major differences between different fields in terms of pay or the satisfaction with studies? TEK studied these questions.
News article

Henkilöt kävelevät rappusissa.
Newly graduated academic engineers and architects are satisfied with their degrees. Of the academic engineers and architects who graduated in 2023, 91% would choose the same degree again. The employment situation at the time of graduation remained good, despite declining slightly from the year before. View the results in more detail on this page!

Vastavalmistunut puhuu puhelimessa
The starter salary recommendation is a good starting point for requesting a specific salary as a new graduate. When thinking about your desired salary, you might also want to take a look at TEK's Salary Surveyor and salary statistics.
Blog post

Vastavalmistuneita ruohikolla
“Aside from being a human problem, wearing out future talent while they are still at school is socially unsustainable,” says Director of Public Affairs Juhani Nokela from Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK.
News article

Työttömyystilasto graafi
The number of unemployed recent graduates with a university degree in technology has decreased by 29 percent over the past year. In January, 83 recent graduates were fully unemployed.
News article

Opiskelija, luento, opiskelu
COVID-19 impacted the employment of graduates in 2020. It also contributed to slight delays in studies. However, graduates are still very satisfied with their degree. TEK and universities of technology use a survey to survey recent graduates' thoughts on work and study.

Graduate survey's privacy statement defines how the data related to TEK's Graduate Survey is handled.

Opiskelijoita istuu auringossa haalarit päällä
TEK gives starter salary recommendations for recent graduates and trainees annually. Check out what kind of salary you can ask for!

Henkilö työskentelemässä tietokoneella ja puhelimella
Looking for a summer job or a thesis job? Should you join an unemployment fund? What kind of salary you should ask for?

Kolme henkilöä kävelee ja pyöräilee rakennusten edessä.
Are you about to graduate or have you already completed your degree? Congratulations! As a recent graduate, you get full TEK membership at a discounted price for the first year.

Opiskelijoita istuu LUT-yliopiston nurmikolla.
As TEK's student member you have access to a variety of benefits and services to support your career. Join your professional community now – student membership is free of charge!

The satisfaction of recent graduates with an academic degree in technology with the university education they have received in the field of technology has grown steadily from 2016–2019.
News article

The employment prospects of Finnish and international students look very different at the moment of graduation. The lack of contacts is a major barrier for the employment of international students.
News article