Content about "student"

A tired student, a cup of coffee and homework.
This narrative explores the challenges faced by international students in Finland. For the sake of this story, let’s imagine a busy university student named Nara. She is trying to listen to a professor in a crowded lecture hall.
Blog post

Björn Wiemers puhumassa Opiskelijavaikuttajaseminaarissa 2025.
TEK invited over 70 student actives together to discuss the future of students. Finances raised concerns, whereas singing brought joy, writes Jaakko Marttila.
Blog post

Henkilöitä istumassa.

Opiskelijoita keskustelemassa rimaseinän edessä
The poor employment situation is giving engineering students both short- and long-term fears.
Blog post

Opettaja ja kaksi opiskelijaa teknisten laitteiden parissa
A study on ways to achieve gender balance in the field of technology at universities.

A person walking in snow.
Do you also find the frosty, dark winter challenging? Your friendly neighborhood neurodivergent is here with his tricks. You might slip, but with a little gamified magic, you’ll glide through the long nights and keep those dopamine levels soaring!
Blog post

Kaksi haalaripukuista henkilöä kävelee.
Suggest a slogan or a design for a TEK overall badge by 2nd March – your idea might come alive!
News article

A lecture in an auditorium with bright lights.
What if your brain worked differently than most of your peers? Imagine that clothes felt like sandpaper, that painfully bright lights were too dim for everyone around you, and that party music makes you feel like you’re a maracas being shaken.
Blog post

Nainen istuu aaltojen keskellä.
Universities in the field of technology support students’ neurodiversity with individual arrangements, for example. Hundreds of students are already utilising these arrangements, and the demand for them is growing.
News article

Henkilö katsoo läppäriä.
It's easy to overestimate how much time we actually spend on the things that matter to us. This exercise will help you to visualise and become aware of how you spend your time.