Content about "student"

Nainen istuu aaltojen keskellä.
Universities in the field of technology support students’ neurodiversity with individual arrangements, for example. Hundreds of students are already utilising these arrangements, and the demand for them is growing.
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Henkilö katsoo läppäriä.
It's easy to overestimate how much time we actually spend on the things that matter to us. This exercise will help you to visualise and become aware of how you spend your time.

Henkilö teekkarilakki päässä.
What is your personal shock absorber? What refills your battery? Find out with these exercises!

Henkilö istuu ikkunalaudalla kuulokkeet päässään.
What kinds of activities feel natural, valuable and meaningful for you to do? Get to know yourself and your strengths with the help of this exercise!

Henkilöitä pöydän ääressä ruokalassa.

Opiskelijoita, Aalto-yliopisto, opiskelijaedustajat
Do you want more power, networks and expertise? Are you eager to influence the policies of a nationally significant and influential organisation? As a student representative, you will get to experience all this. We will update this page once the next application period starts.

Kolme opiskelijahaalareihin pukeutunutta henkilöä pitelee uutta, itäsuomalaista tupsulakkia.
The first teekkaris at the University of Eastern Finland received their tassel caps on May Day this year. The cap has been designed by the teekkaris themselves.
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Henkilöt kävelevät rappusissa.
Newly graduated academic engineers and architects are satisfied with their degrees. Of the academic engineers and architects who graduated in 2023, 91% would choose the same degree again. The employment situation at the time of graduation remained good, despite declining slightly from the year before. View the results in more detail on this page!

Especially because of the changes in the legislation, now is the time to join KOKO fund.
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Piiroskuvassa kaksi henkilöä keskustee työkalupakin äärellä.
The summer job search season is underway! Student, grab the latest TEK job search and career planning guide, Työkirja 2024, from your campus to support your job search or thesis job search.
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Opiskelijoita luentosalissa.
Last year, 5,206 student members joined the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK.
News article

TEK develops member services that make an impact based on what we know about the wishes and needs of TEK members.
Blog post

Mustavalkoinen kuva Teekkarirallyesta 1969.
Tech students (teekkarit) were among the first to organise a rally competition in Finland. Even the competitors of Teekkarirallye have fallen victim to jäynäs or practical jokes.
News article

Työkirjan kansikuva.
TEK Workbook is a job search and career planning guide for students in technology, architecture, mathematics and natural sciences.
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Juha Heinonen
The world’s most sensitive photodetector, an environmentally friendly weather balloon and the use of machine learning to detect Parkinson’s disease. These are the topics of the winning theses in 2023 that received awards from TEK, TFiF and MAL.
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Jäynäkilpailun voittajat saivat mukaansa kiertopalkinnon
In the best Jäynä, or practical joke, citizens were asked for ideas for new sounds for electric cars.
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Opiskelija haalareissaan
The ability to identify problems in one's life is the key to good life management.
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Matti Vähä-Heikkilä yllään merkkejä täynnä olevat opiskelijahaalarinsa ja viitta, kuvattuna valkoista taustaa vasten.
The well over one thousand fabric patches owned by Matti Vähä-Heikkilä from Turku would not fit on a standard pair of overalls, so he had to get a cape for them. The set is now on display at a museum in Lieto.
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Tomi Gullstén nostaa sinervää haalaria.
Tampere-based companies Tam-Folio and reveal what happens in the time between a student placing an order for overalls and receiving them to wear.
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Nuoria henkilöitä teekkarilakit ja haalarit päällä.
Our caps have tassels, our overalls are full, and we have the best Wappu activities.