Content about "Legal"

Lakitieto 3-2024
If you join the union when a dispute is already at hand, you will not be covered by legal expenses insurance.
News article

Työnantaja ja työntekijä sopimuksen ääressä.
Is there something you would like to ask about fixed-term employment contracts? In this article, we have collected answers to some of the most common questions about fixed-term employment contracts.
News article

When used correctly, performance bonuses are a motivating bonus system. However, from a labour law perspective, there are a lot of things that can be unclear about performance bonuses.
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Piirros henkilöstä, joka kävelee poispäin sylissään huonekasvi ja olallaan euro-merkkinen kassi.
The so-called unemployment pathway to early retirement (eläkeputki in Finnish) is being phased out, and it will be replaced by the new transition security allowance for those who have reached the age of 55 years and have been dismissed from their job.
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Kaksi henkilöä keskustelee, toinen on pyörätuolissa.
The reform of the Act clarified the employer's duty to promote equality and to prepare equality promotion plans in addition to improving the legal protection of employees.
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Käsi kirjoittaa kynällä, jonka päässä on punainen viiri.
The aim of the act is to protect whistleblowers who report breaches of laws that they detect in the course of their work.
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Piirros työtuolista, jonka istuin- ja selkänojaan on asetettu piikki.
Both employers and employees should respond to harassment.
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Piirrustus, jossa kaksi ihmishahmoa seisoo suuren kellotaulun ääressä, toisella on kädessään harppi.
Underperformance is a term that is commonly used by employers, but it has no precise legal meaning.
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Henkilö suttaa kalenteria piirroskuvassa.
In this article, we have collected answers to the most common questions about lay-offs.
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Lapsi ja aikuinen katsovat kännykkää.
The provisions concerning variable workings hours in the Employment Contracts Acts were amended, and the family leave reform entered into force on 1 August 2022.
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