Content about "JUKO"

Kättelevät ihmiset
General pay rises will increase salaries by a total of 5.5%. In May, full-time university employees will receive a one-off payment of at least €400.
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Kättelevät ihmiset
General pay rises will increase salaries by a total of 5.5%. In May, full-time university employees will receive a one-off payment of at least €400.
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Kättelevät ihmiset
General pay rises will increase salaries by a total of 5.5%. In May, full-time university employees will receive a one-off payment of at least €400.
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Ihmisiä kävelee rappusissa
This Friday morning, an outcome was achieved in the pay rise negotiations concerning 34,000 university employees.
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Ihmisiä kävelee rappusissa
This Friday morning, an outcome was achieved in the pay rise negotiations concerning 34,000 university employees.
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Ihmisiä kävelee rappusissa
This Friday morning, an outcome was achieved in the pay rise negotiations concerning 34,000 university employees.
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No agreement was reached for this year’s salaries. The trade unions and the Finnish Education Employers (FEE) association will meet again on 13 March. The negotiations will take a new turn then, because not only will salaries be negotiated, but the agreement provisions will also be on the table.
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No agreement was reached for this year’s salaries. The trade unions and the Finnish Education Employers (FEE) association will meet again on 13 March. The negotiations will take a new turn then, because not only will salaries be negotiated, but the agreement provisions will also be on the table.
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No agreement was reached for this year’s salaries. The trade unions and the Finnish Education Employers (FEE) association will meet again on 13 March. The negotiations will take a new turn then, because not only will salaries be negotiated, but the agreement provisions will also be on the table.
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Ihmisiä katsomassa papereita toimistossa
The collective agreement negotiations concerning this year’s pay rises for 34,000 university employees ended for at least the time being last Friday, when Finnish Education Employers (FEE) said it did not consider there were any grounds for agreeing on new negotiation dates.
News article

Ihmisiä katsomassa papereita toimistossa
The collective agreement negotiations concerning this year’s pay rises for 34,000 university employees ended for at least the time being last Friday, when Finnish Education Employers (FEE) said it did not consider there were any grounds for agreeing on new negotiation dates.
News article

Ihmisiä katsomassa papereita toimistossa
The collective agreement negotiations concerning this year’s pay rises for 34,000 university employees ended for at least the time being last Friday, when Finnish Education Employers (FEE) said it did not consider there were any grounds for agreeing on new negotiation dates.
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Kättelevät ihmiset
“The university employers now stand out as family-friendly employers and pioneers of the family leave reform,” says Tarja Niemelä, the chairperson of the JUKO University Advisory Board.
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Kättelevät ihmiset
“The university employers now stand out as family-friendly employers and pioneers of the family leave reform,” says Tarja Niemelä, the chairperson of the JUKO University Advisory Board.
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Kättelevät ihmiset
“The university employers now stand out as family-friendly employers and pioneers of the family leave reform,” says Tarja Niemelä, the chairperson of the JUKO University Advisory Board.
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Ihmisiä katsomassa papereita toimistossa
We will issue further information on the content of the agreement when all parties’ governing bodies have deliberated it. The JUKO University Advisory Board and JUKO board will deliberate the result on Thursday.
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Ihmisiä katsomassa papereita toimistossa
We will issue further information on the content of the agreement when all parties’ governing bodies have deliberated it. The JUKO University Advisory Board and JUKO board will deliberate the result on Thursday.
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Ihmisiä katsomassa papereita toimistossa
We will issue further information on the content of the agreement when all parties’ governing bodies have deliberated it. The JUKO University Advisory Board and JUKO board will deliberate the result on Thursday.
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University employees no longer have a valid collective agreement as of today, Friday 1 April. In such circumstances, the universities will continue to apply the terms of the old collective agreement until a new one enters into force.
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University employees no longer have a valid collective agreement as of today, Friday 1 April. In such circumstances, the universities will continue to apply the terms of the old collective agreement until a new one enters into force.
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University employees no longer have a valid collective agreement as of today, Friday 1 April. In such circumstances, the universities will continue to apply the terms of the old collective agreement until a new one enters into force.
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Opiskelijat, kävelevät, portaat, Aalto yliopisto
Notice has been served to terminate the universities’ current collective agreement, effective 31 March. If a negotiation result is not reached before that date, university employees will be without a valid collective agreement as of 1 April.
News article

Opiskelijat, kävelevät, portaat, Aalto yliopisto
Notice has been served to terminate the universities’ current collective agreement, effective 31 March. If a negotiation result is not reached before that date, university employees will be without a valid collective agreement as of 1 April.
News article

Opiskelijat, kävelevät, portaat, Aalto yliopisto
Notice has been served to terminate the universities’ current collective agreement, effective 31 March. If a negotiation result is not reached before that date, university employees will be without a valid collective agreement as of 1 April.
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Kahden henkilön keskustelua aiheesta työsuhde ja laki
Surveys by the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers show time and again that fixed-term contracts are the number one reason for ill-being at work. Keeping employees on fixed-term contracts year after year wears them out and is totally unnecessary.
Blog post

Kahden henkilön keskustelua aiheesta työsuhde ja laki
Surveys by the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers show time and again that fixed-term contracts are the number one reason for ill-being at work. Keeping employees on fixed-term contracts year after year wears them out and is totally unnecessary.
Blog post

Kahden henkilön keskustelua aiheesta työsuhde ja laki
Surveys by the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers show time and again that fixed-term contracts are the number one reason for ill-being at work. Keeping employees on fixed-term contracts year after year wears them out and is totally unnecessary.
Blog post

nuori aikuinen laskee laskua
– The negotiations are now proceeding to an intense phase in which we begin to thrash out an overall solution, says Katja Aho, JUKO’s head of collective bargaining for the university sector.
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nuori aikuinen laskee laskua
– The negotiations are now proceeding to an intense phase in which we begin to thrash out an overall solution, says Katja Aho, JUKO’s head of collective bargaining for the university sector.
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nuori aikuinen laskee laskua
– The negotiations are now proceeding to an intense phase in which we begin to thrash out an overall solution, says Katja Aho, JUKO’s head of collective bargaining for the university sector.
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Opiskelija, luento, opiskelu
In the present university collective bargaining negotiations, we are negotiating on university employees’ working conditions and pay rises. We want the universities to be competitive, attractive workplaces that promote a positive type of working life.
Blog post

Opiskelija, luento, opiskelu
In the present university collective bargaining negotiations, we are negotiating on university employees’ working conditions and pay rises. We want the universities to be competitive, attractive workplaces that promote a positive type of working life.
Blog post

Opiskelija, luento, opiskelu
In the present university collective bargaining negotiations, we are negotiating on university employees’ working conditions and pay rises. We want the universities to be competitive, attractive workplaces that promote a positive type of working life.
Blog post

Kuvituskuva opiskelijoista Aalto-yliopistolla
JUKO wants to develop pay and the remuneration system through a longer-term salary programme, remove bottlenecks and promote equality.
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Kuvituskuva opiskelijoista Aalto-yliopistolla
JUKO wants to develop pay and the remuneration system through a longer-term salary programme, remove bottlenecks and promote equality.
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Kuvituskuva opiskelijoista Aalto-yliopistolla
JUKO wants to develop pay and the remuneration system through a longer-term salary programme, remove bottlenecks and promote equality.
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Kättelevät ihmiset
JUKO has approved the new two-year collective agreement for state employees. Each employee will receive a two percent pay rise from 1 June.
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