Content about "education"

Nuori tekee matematiikan tehtäviä tablettitietokoneella
Separate study groups for students interested in mathematics could be one option, but the key is to build a solid foundation for everyone already in comprehensive school. Grade inflation obscures the full picture.
News article

We need every single tech professional and natural scientist, as we navigate digitalization and the green transition.
Blog post

Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.
Future growth needs skills and talent. The savings from the government discussion on spending limits must be found from outside these areas.
News article

TEK develops member services that make an impact based on what we know about the wishes and needs of TEK members.
Blog post

Henkilö katsoo puhelinta.
62 percent of tech students use generative artificial intelligence tools in their studies. According to surveys conducted by TEK in the autumn of 2023, AI tools have been adopted faster in studies than in working life. However, there is a lot of uncertainty among tech students about the use of artificial intelligence. Respondents in working life, on the other hand, are very confident about the continuation of their own employment despite the increasing use of AI tools.
News article

TEKin hallituksen puheenjohtaja Mari-Leena Talvitie
Our message is that education policy is the most important tool for the Finnish innovation policy and sustainable economic growth.
Blog post

Piirroskuva jossa ihmishahmoja
Future work life may be better than before, but you should be prepared for these changes.
News article

There’s also good reason to ask if everything is okay with our primary education.
Blog post

The government's budget session has been wrapped up. There are good things to say about RDI, both good and bad about the funding for education, and something to criticize in the discussion concerning the reduction of insurance contributions.
Blog post

Tuulivoimaloiden pienoismallit
Universities need to place more emphasis on green skills.
News article