Content about "equality"

Henkilö istuu portaalla läppäri sylissään, vieressä sateenkaaren värinen juomapullo.
Non-binary people experience more sexual harrasment at work than men or women. Highly educated professionals who belong to sexual or gender minorities experience more harassment and are also less confident that their employer would address harassment, reveals a survey conducted among Akava affiliates.
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Kahden eri ihmisen kädet muodostavat sydämen sateenkaarilipun edessä.
The Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK works on behalf of more equal work life. As part of this work, TEK supports the work of Helsinki Pride as an official Support Partner.
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Susanna Bairoh.
My research focuses on gender equality, equity, and inclusivity in the field of technology. The persistent gender inequality in advancing to leadership positions continues to perplex me. Numerous studies illustrate how merits stick to men.
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Joukko opiskelijoita aurinkopaneelin äärellä.
Both male and female tech students feel they belong in the student community, but men feel a stronger sense of belonging in the field of technology. Gender minorities report the lowest sense of belonging. Where exactly does the problem lie?
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Sirkku Pohja istuu TEKin Pasilan Loungessa.
Are all professionals desirable employees? We at TEK work on behalf of more equal work life so that everyone has a chance to showcase their skills and find a job.
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Kaksi henkilöä keskustelee, toinen on pyörätuolissa.
The reform of the Act clarified the employer's duty to promote equality and to prepare equality promotion plans in addition to improving the legal protection of employees.
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Owain Hopeaketo
Being Teekkari would not be what it is today without a hugely varied collection of people. For example, Teekkari culture is becoming increasingly international, writes TEK's international student liaison Owain Hopeaketo.
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Sofia Saarinen nojaa toimistohyllyyn.
Sofia Saarinen put together an equality guide for students as a project commissioned by TEK. According to Saarinen, the number one golden rule of equality is: listen and learn.
News article

Susanna Bairoh.
Attempts have been made to increase the number of women in the field of technology for decades. However, the attempts have not been successful: In Finland, only one in five technology professionals is a woman. It is often argued that women lack an innate interest in technology. However, the lack of interest is not the cause but the consequence: the technology industry is structured to be masculine.
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Results to the question "I fear I will face discrimination in my future career (LGBTQI+ students)"
Technology students who belong to sexual and/or gender minorities see more risks in their future than students who do not belong to these minorities.
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