Content about "general council"

TEKin hallituksen puheenjohtaja Mari-Leena Talvitie
The duties of TEK's chair can be divided into TEK activities and other advocacy efforts. Board activities are governed by values, the council agreement and the annual budget and plan.
Blog post

Paneelissa keskusteltiin inhimillisestä työelämästä
The autumn meeting of TEK’s General Council was held in Tripla, Pasila, 23–24 November. The Council Arena was organised for the first time in conjunction with the meeting.
News article

Piirroskuvassa ihmisiä.
TEK’s council agreement for the term 2023–2026 aims for an even better life. CEO Jari Jokinen explains how this will be achieved in practice.
News article

TEKin hallituksen puheenjohtaja Mari-Leena Talvitie
Ensuring a proper salary level for TEK members is one of the main objectives of our advocacy.
Blog post

Mari-Leena Talvitie
The General Council of Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK has re-elected Master of Science in Technology and Member of Parliament Mari-Leena Talvitie as the chair of TEK’s board. Talvitie wants TEK to continue promoting equality and dismantling discriminatory structures in working life.
News article

The final meeting of the term of TEK’s current Council was held in Tripla 23–24 March 2023.
News article

Henkilöllä on kädessä puhelin, jonka näytöllä lukee TEK's election.
The 70 seats on the TEK General Council have been filled at the election. Politically aligned electoral alliances won extra seats. More members than before voted electronically, and the charity campaign raised almost €35,000.
News article

Henkilö tutkii Itämerta.
A total of 11,652 electronic votes were cast in TEK’s General Council election. For each electronic vote, TEK promised to donate 3 euros to an environmental cause, and electronic voters also got to choose the cause they wanted to support. The most votes were given to a donation for the Baltic Sea through John Nurminen Foundation.
News article

Puhelin seisoo kolmijalalla järven edustalla, ruudulla lukee TEK's election
Get to know the candidates and electoral alliances!

Henkilöllä on kädessä puhelin, jonka näytöllä lukee TEK's election.
A total of 70 General Council members will be elected in TEK’s election in March to represent almost 80,000 TEK members both within TEK and more broadly in the labour market. A total of 406 candidates are standing for election.
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Kaksi henkilöä keskustelee, pöydällä on puhelin ja avoin opas.
This page provides you with information about standing for election, candidate details and deadlines.

Daniel Valtakari katsoo kameraan.
Election Committee's Secretary Daniel Valtakari explains what the General Council election of the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK is all about.
News article

The Privacy statement for TEK’s General Council elections defines how members’ personal data is handled regarding TEK’s elections.

TEK’s highest decision-making body, the General Council, which is elected democratically by member vote, met in Tripla, Pasila, 24–25 November.
News article

Kuvituskuva TEKin toimistolta, pöydällä avoimia lehtisiä.
TEK is founded, owned and managed by its members. The General Council, chosen from among the members, is TEK’s highest decision-making body.

TEKin valtuustovaalien kuvituskuva.
We asked the chairs of the factions with seats on the current General Council about their achievements in the past term and how TEK’s activities should be improved in future.
News article

Puhelin seisoo kolmijalalla järven edustalla, ruudulla lukee TEK's election
The registration for candidates has ended on 6 February 2023.

TEK’s General Council held its spring meeting 24–25 March in Tripla in Pasila, Helsinki.
News article

TEKin hallituksen puheenjohtaja Mari-Leena Talvitie
Chair of TEK’s Board Mari-Leena Talvitie is concerned about students’ wellbeing, especially their mental health. Already every other student is finding it hard to cope. Talvitie opened the meeting of the TEK General Council on 24 March in Pasila.
News article

Palaveri neuvotteluhuoneessa jäsenten kesken
TEK is founded, owned and managed by its members. The General Council, chosen from among the members, is TEK’s highest decision-making body.