Content about "collective agreement"

Tre kuvituskuva
Negotiations for the renewal of the collective agreement for senior salaried employees in the technology industry have been ongoing under the mediation of the National Conciliator since February 14. The mediator has not yet been able to present a settlement proposal to resolve the labor dispute, and therefore the strike announced by YTN on Friday, February 28, 2025, will take place in certain companies.
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mies ja nainen istuvat
SAK and STTK affiliates have announced a number of pressure measures in industry and services for February and March. These do not affect TEK members working as senior salaried employees.
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Hankamäki Teemu
YTN, which negotiates salaries also for many TEK members, issued a strike warning for the technology industry. The strike is threatened on four Fridays. In this article, we put together some questions and answers on the subject.
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Teemu Hankamäki istuu tyhjässä neuvotteluhuoneessa.
Collective agreement negotiations for senior salaried employees is making slow progress as the employers' association Technology Industry Employers of Finland and the employees' Industrial Union have not reached an agreement.
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Luento, tapahtuma
Negotiations on a collective agreement for universities start on February 4th. The validity of the general collective agreement for universities ends on March 31st, 2025.
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Goforen pääluottamushenkilö Staffan Österholm ja Goforen henkilöstöpäällikkö Laura Tero istuvat pöydän ääressä.
Gofore’s company-specific collective agreement is praised by both employees and the employer.
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Piirroskuvassa palkansaajia.
TEK members earn highest salaries in finance and trade. The lowest salary levels are found in the university sector.
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Papereita, läppäri, silmälasit, pöytä
The pressure measures in the technology and chemical industry between 27th January and 1st February by The Industrial Union and Pro do not apply to TEK members working as senior salaried employees.
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Teemu Hankamäki katsoo sivulle.
The collective agreements of many TEK members were valid until 30.11.2024.
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Engineers are looking for a 5% increase, but higher figures have also been reported in competing countries. TEK’s aim is to increase the purchasing power of its members.
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