Content about "promotion of interests"

Papereita, läppäri, silmälasit, pöytä
The pressure measures in the technology and chemical industry between 27th January and 1st February by The Industrial Union and Pro do not apply to TEK members working as senior salaried employees.
News article

Industrial Employees TP published a report on the actions and goals of employer organisations entitled “Missä mennään, Eteläranta? Työnantajapuolen toiminta ja tavoitteet työmarkkinoiden murroksessa”.
News article

Henkilöitä istuu TEK Loungessa Tampereella.
The position of trust allows the employee to have a say in workplace matters together with the employer. Many workplaces in the private sector will soon be electing new shop stewards. Have you considered running for the position?
Blog post

Owain Hopeaketo
Out of almost 70 applicants, Owain Hopeaketo has been chosen as Project Manager for a three-year contract. “I can’t wait to help create meaningful change for our international experts, for TEK, and for Finland itself.”
News article

Isä ja vauva
The law sets the amount of family leave, but the extent to which that leave is paid is agreed in collective bargaining.
Blog post

EU:n liput liehuvat, taustalla virastotaloja.
EU Directives are among the things that affect the terms of employment of TEK members.
News article

Kyniä pöydällä
EU companies will be required to disclose information on salaries to expose existing gender pay gaps, the European Parliament states in their press release.
News article

Daniel Valtakari, TEK
On a European level, I want to empower personnel to participate more in decision-making that concerns them. In terms of university collaboration, I already have my eyes set on this winter’s salary negotiations in academia.
Blog post

Teemu Hankamäki katsoo suoraan kameraan.
Is this what the manoeuvre was all about – surely not?
Blog post

Here you can find more information about collective agreement negotiations concerning TEK members.