Content about "research"

Piirros henkilöstä, joka kantaa suurta paperipinoa, läppäriä ja kelloa.
Under the Working Hours Act, regular working hours shall not exceed eight hours a day or 40 hours a week. Overtime is defined as work that exceeds these maximum limits.
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Henkilö katsoo puhelinta.
62 percent of tech students use generative artificial intelligence tools in their studies. According to surveys conducted by TEK in the autumn of 2023, AI tools have been adopted faster in studies than in working life. However, there is a lot of uncertainty among tech students about the use of artificial intelligence. Respondents in working life, on the other hand, are very confident about the continuation of their own employment despite the increasing use of AI tools.
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How does working life change when the technology sector becomes international? Can international students find a career in Finland and what is it like to build a life in Finland as an immigrant? Find out in TEK's studies.

Juha Heinonen
The world’s most sensitive photodetector, an environmentally friendly weather balloon and the use of machine learning to detect Parkinson’s disease. These are the topics of the winning theses in 2023 that received awards from TEK, TFiF and MAL.
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Petro Lahtinen katsoo kameraan Woodion tehtaalla.
Petro Lahtinen has gone from a university laboratory straight to the global bathroom market. The next step is finding money and a location for a ten-million-euro factory investment.
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It is time for the upcoming government to streamline the environmental permit system to apply the ‘one-stop shop’ principle and enable the construction of various industrial parks in the future.
Blog post

Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.
It would not be such a bad idea to transfer state-owned shares to universities where their return would provide sustainable funding without having to remain within the state expenditure framework.
Blog post

Ihmisiä kävelee rappusissa
Those who graduated in 2022 are very satisfied with their studies and would choose the same degree again. The employment situation is also good. However, the students' concern about their own coping has continued to increase. 36% of those who graduated in 2022 were often or all the time worried about their ability to cope.

Renata Laty­pova suoja-asussa laboratoriossa.
Road to becoming a doctor. Tensile stress and hydrogen together crack ultrahigh-strength steel within minutes. The tuning-fork test developed in a thesis provides a way to identify steel grades that are resistant to hydrogen embrittlement.
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Tuomas Olkku istuu kannettavan tietokoneen ääressä, käsissään kynä ja vihko.
The competition for research grants is fierce. A grant foundation and a post doc researcher share some advice on how to write a good application.
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Neljä henkilöä istuu pöydän ääressä läppärin ja kahvikuppien kanssa.
A clear majority are proud of working or studying in the field of technology. A pioneering study by Engineers Finland is the first in Finland to examine the sense of belonging in the field. Approximately 80% of the respondents felt they belong in the field.
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The newly approved RDI tax incentive for companies supports the increase of private funding.
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Graduate Survey, opiskelija makaa sohvalla
Those who graduated in 2021 are very satisfied with their studies and would choose the same degree again. The employment situation is also good. However, the challenges related to well-being and coping can be seen in recent graduates. The Graduate Survey is conducted by TEK and Finnish universities in the field of technology. The survey describes the work situation of recent graduates and maps their thoughts about their studies.

Opiskelijoita haalarit jalassa aurinkopaneelin edessä.
According to ANE’s recent report, there is a need for a diverse set of engineering skills in the Nordics to achieve the green transition. Each Nordic country has a slightly different focus on green technologies and therefore different skill requirements as well. The report also identifies a need to harmonize the Nordic market.
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kahvikuppi, johon heijastuu sateenkaari
Technology students who belong to sexual and/or gender minorities see more risks in their future than students who do not belong to these minorities.
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Vastavalmistuneita ruohikolla
“Aside from being a human problem, wearing out future talent while they are still at school is socially unsustainable,” says Director of Public Affairs Juhani Nokela from Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK.
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Joukko ihmisiä istumassa sohvilla
The majority of the members of Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK are world savers.
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Results to the question "I fear I will face discrimination in my future career (LGBTQI+ students)"
Technology students who belong to sexual and/or gender minorities see more risks in their future than students who do not belong to these minorities.
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How are DEI themes displayed at technology workplaces?

Susanna Bairoh ja Sanna Putila ulkona.
Discrimination faced by women remains a significant problem in the field of technology, but a recent study also highlights discrimination experienced by men. The discrimination men experience in tech is often related to measures that promote equality.
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