Content about "internationality"

Nainen työskentelee tietokoneella modernissa toimistossa
The weak economic trend has lowered the threshold for offering and accepting unpaid work in architects’ offices. The phenomenon is common in southern Europe and has become more common in the other Nordic countries. Employers’ and employees’ organisations in the sector are concerned about the rise of unpaid internships in Finland.
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A person working at a desk
The weak economic trend has lowered the threshold for offering and accepting unpaid work in architects’ offices. The phenomenon is common in southern Europe and has become more common in the other Nordic countries. 
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Group for International Experts.
To be the best association for our international members, TEK needs places where their voices can be heard. That is why for the first time, we have started a Group for International Experts, dedicated to turning experiences into action.
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Henkilöitä tapahtumassa, puhuja edessä ja yleisö juttelee toisilleen.
In recent years, TEK’s offerings have become ever more accessible and tailored to international members. We should be proud of what has happened, while also recognising that challenges remain, writes Owain Hopeaketo.
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Owain Hopeaketo
This week, TEK is celebrating a week dedicated to our international members. Why is this happening, and why is internationality such a recent focus of TEK’s actions? Project Manager Owain Hopeaketo explains that this is a topic that affects more than just our international members.
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Henkilöitä pöydän ääressä ruokalassa.

Owain Hopeaketo istuu toimiston pöydän kulmalla.
On Thursday 17th October, the proposed three-month/six-month rule was handed to parliament. Despite positive changes, TEK remains firmly against this proposal.
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Henkilöitä labrassa.
The main reasons for getting a summer job might seem to be the same everywhere. In Finland however, they are even more important, as explained by TEK Project Manager Owain Hopeaketo.
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Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.
Jari Jokinen, CEO of the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK, has been elected president of the Association of Nordic Engineers, an organisation that promotes the interests of engineers in the Nordic region. Jokinen wants to focus more attention on influencing EU policies.
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Manu Kiiskilä seisoo ständinsä edessä EUCYS-kilpailussa.
Manu Kiiskilä, a student at Tampereen lyseon lukio high school, won the Special Donated Prize at the EU Contest for Young Scientists for his work on computer vision. The EUCYS contest took place in Poland in September.
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Owain Hopeaketo
You can all make a difference, and change the way our industry is treating foreign talent. You can battle for Finland’s reputation.
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Henkilön kädessä on kynä ja pöydällä on avoin opas.
Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK is opposed to the 3- or 6-month unemployment rule proposed by the government. For technology professionals, getting a new job after unemployment is a long and specialised process, which is not taken into account sufficiently in the proposal.
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Henkilö kahvikuppi kädessään.
TEK membership benefits are available to you even if you live abroad. You can also apply for guest membership in your local organisation.

Daniel Valtakari katsoo iloisena kameraan.
Daniel Valtakari was elected as the chairperson of UNI Global’s Professionals and Managers group. UNI Global is an international umbrella organization for trade unions.
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Philipp Holtkamp ja Hanna Turpeinen
The University of Vaasa works closely with other universities, the city, local businesses and other actors in the region. This benefits students, businesses and the society.
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Henkilö seisoo muuttolaatikoiden keskellä.
The societal debate on immigration is a major source of concern for international experts in the field of technology, with as many as 89% of them find the immigration debate worrying. Only 52% of the international tech experts surveyed would recommend Finland as a place to live and work.
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Owain Hopeaketo
It is so important that we all find the sources of positivity, then shout them out as loud as we can. If we don’t treat Finland as something worth fighting for, we lose the motivation to make meaningful change.
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Owain Hopeaketo istuu toimiston pöydän kulmalla.
“Do you know you have autistic traits?” It wasn’t a surprise to me when, during the pandemic and my complete burn-out at work, I was told this by a therapist.
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Mario Fürst
Being a shop steward is quite similar in Austria and Finland, says Mario Fürst, Automation Engineer and shop steward from Borealis Austria. He visited TEK for 3,5 weeks as a part of his shop steward training.
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TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen kuvattuna TEKin toimistolla
It is important for EU institutions to have a good understanding of the conditions and situation in Finland as well.
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Owain Hopeaketo
The aim of my work is to improve the ability for international experts to both join TEK, and to find their place in Finnish society. That means it is a job of bridging gaps. These bridges cannot be built from one side alone.
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Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.
Future growth needs skills and talent. The savings from the government discussion on spending limits must be found from outside these areas.
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Timo Hallantie seisoo takanaan Bryssel.
Timo Hallantie allocates EU money to breakthrough technologies and encourages to apply for EU jobs.
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Kättelevät ihmiset
TEK and Ekonomit propose a new migration pathway to Finland to attract talent. Like in Canada, it would offer immigrants the opportunity to obtain an immediate permanent residence permit, with selections for this proposed pathway made on a points basis. Points could be awarded for having expertise in areas suffering labour shortages, or based on education and language skills.
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How does working life change when the technology sector becomes international? Can international students find a career in Finland and what is it like to build a life in Finland as an immigrant? Find out in TEK's studies.

Owain Hopeaketo
Out of almost 70 applicants, Owain Hopeaketo has been chosen as Project Manager for a three-year contract. “I can’t wait to help create meaningful change for our international experts, for TEK, and for Finland itself.”
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Merina Salmisen blogii
The silent acceptance of racism can no longer be tolerated.
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People in an office
The government’s policies will make life in Finland harder for people with a foreign background and reduce the attractiveness of Finland in the international labour market.
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Perhe rannalla.
Russia’s attack on Ukraine brought Valentyna and Sergii Kononenko to Finland ahead of schedule to work and to look for a job.
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Viisi henkilöä juttelemassa pöydän ääressä, seinällä valotaulu jossa lukee "upeaa työtä"
A change in attitude is necessary and the responsibility belongs to everyone in the workplace.
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People in an office
Education- and work-based immigration is the foundation for welfare in Finland. The new government needs to work hard to ensure that the people who come here can live a full life. In June 2023, the Finnish Business School Graduates Suomen Ekonomit and the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK published a political pamphlet that offers perspectives on how this can be achieved in practice.
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People in an office
Immigrants have a difficult labor market situation. Many of the disadvantages they face derive directly from discrimination and prejudice in recruitment practices and hiring on the part of employers.
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Jonathon Taylor seisoo lumisella kadulla.
Aiming to become even more international, universities are attracting teaching and research staff from abroad. Highly educated immigrants wonder if the career opportunities offered by Finnish universities are truly the same for everyone.
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People in an office
Etla Economic Research estimates that Finland needs up to 44,000 net immigrants to halt the decline in the workforce. Skilled workers are needed in Finnish growth companies, for example.
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EU:n liput liehuvat, taustalla virastotaloja.
EU Directives are among the things that affect the terms of employment of TEK members.
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Kyniä pöydällä
EU companies will be required to disclose information on salaries to expose existing gender pay gaps, the European Parliament states in their press release.
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Opiskelijoita kävelee rappusissa.
Students who write their thesis for a company are four times more likely to find high-quality employment.
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Henkilöitä istuu TFiF-TEK Loungessa Turussa.
Important new research data for expert shortages: A large proportion of the highly educated foreigners living in Finland have settled in well and work in positions that match their qualifications. However, the study indicates that there are still areas for development when it comes to integrating into Finnish society.
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Daniel Valtakari, TEK
On a European level, I want to empower personnel to participate more in decision-making that concerns them. In terms of university collaboration, I already have my eyes set on this winter’s salary negotiations in academia.
Blog post

Suomen ja Ruotisin liput liehuvat taivasta vasten.
According to a recent survey by Industrial Employees TP, the labour market models of Finland and Sweden are very similar to each other. They are both characterised by the strong role of export companies and a high degree of unionisation.
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