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Nordic Business Forum 2024.

Kolme henkilöä kahvilassa
TEK is the largest organisation for academic engineers and architects in Finland, with a professional community of 77,000 members. We are an organisation that will accompany you throughout your career, from the beginning of your studies through all stages of developing your career. We provide legal advice, career coaching, and salary advice to our members.

Anne-Mari Kuoppala
An employee representative helps staff members with matters relating to their employment. They also act as negotiators and mediators between employees and employers. Here we introduce one of them.
News article

Markus Lindholm.
Career Coach
| +358 9 2291 2566

Kaksi henkilöä analysoimassa tutkimustuloksia
We know because we ask. The goal of TEK's research is to provide high-quality insights about the work life in the field of technology.

Kaksi henkilöä keskustelee pöydän ääressä.
What is it and what to do when facing change negotiations?

SITP, robottibussi, Sensible4
We give out annual awards to the best theses and studies by adolescents. TEK and TFiF also award innovations in the field of technology.

How does working life change when the technology sector becomes international? Can international students find a career in Finland and what is it like to build a life in Finland as an immigrant? Find out in TEK's studies.

How are DEI themes displayed at technology workplaces?

Henkilö istuu portaalla läppäri sylissään, vieressä sateenkaaren värinen juomapullo.
The situation of non-binary people at work is significantly weaker than that of men or women. Highly educated professionals who belong to sexual or gender minorities experience more harassment and are also less confident that their employer would address harassment, reveals a survey conducted among Akava affiliates.
News article

Henkilöt kävelevät rappusissa.
Newly graduated academic engineers and architects are satisfied with their degrees. Of the academic engineers and architects who graduated in 2023, 91% would choose the same degree again. The employment situation at the time of graduation remained good, despite declining slightly from the year before. View the results in more detail on this page!

Three people talking in an office space.

Henkilö seisoo muuttolaatikoiden keskellä.
The societal debate on immigration is a major source of concern for international experts in the field of technology, with as many as 89% of them find the immigration debate worrying. Only 52% of the international tech experts surveyed would recommend Finland as a place to live and work.
News article

tietokone, kännykkä

Henkilöitä keskustelemassa pöydän ääressä.

Henkilön kädessä on kynä ja pöydällä on avoin opas.
Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK is opposed to the 3- or 6-month unemployment rule proposed by the government. For technology professionals, getting a new job after unemployment is a long and specialised process, which is not taken into account sufficiently in the proposal.
News article

Henkilö kahvikuppi kädessään.
TEK membership benefits are available to you even if you live abroad. You can also apply for guest membership in your local organisation.

Ihmisiä istuskelemassa viihtyisässä tilassa
TEK Lounge is a space for all TEK members. Visit our Lounges in Helsinki, Tampere, Lappeenranta and Turku!

Mikko Särelä.
Expert for industrial and innovation policy
| +358445264556

Henkilöitä kävelee ulos bussista.
TEK membership is an investment in your career.

Kolme henkilöä kävelee rappusissa.
In 2024 TEK's membership fee is €351 (€29.25 per month).

Ihmisiä istumassa ja keskustelemassa yhdessä.
Dual members can take advantage of not only the services and benefits of their main union, but also those offered by TEK. Learn more about the different options!

Pöydällä papereita ja kalenteri.
3 months or 6 months: how long do unemployment periods last for engineers? TEK looked into the data: in 2022 almost one in four unemployment periods lasted longer than 6 months.

Teemu Hankamäki katsoo kameraan sisätiloissa.
The Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK is opposed to the idea of restricting conciliation through legislation, as this is detrimental to free sectoral wage formation.
News article

Kolme opiskelijahaalareihin pukeutunutta henkilöä pitelee uutta, itäsuomalaista tupsulakkia.
The first teekkaris at the University of Eastern Finland received their tassel caps on May Day this year. The cap has been designed by the teekkaris themselves.
News article

Puhelin seisoo kolmijalalla järven edustalla, ruudulla lukee TEK's election
The registration for candidates has ended on 6 February 2023.

Kaksi henkilöä keskustelee, pöydällä on puhelin ja avoin opas.
This page provides you with information about standing for election, candidate details and deadlines.

Henkilö istuu pöydän ääressä läppärin kanssa.

Henkilöitä istuu TFiF-TEK Loungessa Turussa.
TEK is your professional community of academic engineers and architects in Finland.

Kuvassa toimistokenkä ja tennari.
August saw the end of job alternation leave and September will bring even stricter terms for accessing the earnings-related unemployment allowance.
News article

Eduskuntatalon julkisivu.
Akava considers the government's proposal to alter the labour market model unnecessary and anticipates that it will cause instability and uncertainty in the labour market.
News article

Daniel Valtakari katsoo iloisena kameraan.
Daniel Valtakari was elected as the chairperson of UNI Global’s Professionals and Managers group. UNI Global is an international umbrella organization for trade unions.
News article

Philipp Holtkamp ja Hanna Turpeinen
The University of Vaasa works closely with other universities, the city, local businesses and other actors in the region. This benefits students, businesses and the society.
News article

Merina Salminen.
Communications Director
| +358407480430

Owain Hopeaketo.
Project Manager, International Experts
| +358 46 954 7718

Sari Haataja
Service manager, career services
| +358 9 2291 2241

Joel Tuomisto
Student liaison, Tampere
| +358 44 022 5772

Niina Tapanainen.
Student liaison, Otaniemi
| +358 45 7820 1127

Ida Parkkinen.
Student affair specialist
| +358 400 984545

Niklas Virtanen
Student liaison, Vaasa
| +358 44 055 8940

Juho Järvi.
Student liaison, Jyväskylä
| +358 45 7820 1121

Linda Markkola.
Student liaison, Oulu
| +358 40 765 3458

Katriina Mc Cormick
Student liaison, Turku
| +358 40 050 2753

Senni Auvinen.
Student liaison, Lappeenranta
| +358 50 438 9779

Vitaliy Gurov.
Student liaison, Helsinki
| +358 45 884 2713

Vesa Taskinen 2023
Membership officer, students
| +358407096675
TEKin opiskelijajäsenten jäsenyysvastaava

Luova teknologia
Contact TEK's office, regional advisors or student liaisons if you have any questions.

How are students and recent graduates in the field of technology coping? How much do they work during their studies? Our research reveals what tech students and recent graduates are up to – read more!

Työnhaku, läppäri, koti, kahvikuppi, nainen
We have listed the most common recruitment platforms in Finland. If you have a university degree from the field of tech, joining TEK will give you access to our more comprehensive tips and advice on job search. Please note, that we do not offer jobs directly.

Heidi Tomperi
Communications Expert
| +358922912568

Henkilöitä Tampereella.
Find out here about each Teekkari city, and the characteristics that make them special!

Lawyer (away until April 30, 2025)

Eva Alifrosti
Career coach (on parental leave)

Teekkariporukka istuu sohvalla Kuopiossa.
Get to know Kuopio as a Teekkari city. Teekkaris study in the area of Savilahti.

Teekkareita nojailemassa rennosti ulkoseinään Joensuussa.
Students in Joensuu study at the heart of things! Our campus is located in the throbbing centre of the city.

Find out more about Teekkari culture in Vaasa.

Henkilöitä Turun Aurum-rakennuksen edessä.
Find out more about Teekkari culture in Turku.

Opiskelijat kävelevät Oulun yliopiston käytävällä.
The number of graduating academic engineers and architects was 19 per cent higher last year than in 2022. A tech degree carries significant weight – four out of five graduates had a job at the time of graduation and the median monthly salary was 3,600 euros.
News article

Kahden eri ihmisen kädet muodostavat sydämen sateenkaarilipun edessä.
The Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK works on behalf of more equal work life. As part of this work, TEK supports the work of Helsinki Pride as an official Support Partner.
News article

Satu Myller
Career Coach
| +358 9 2291 2249

Vauva, mies, lastensänky
The number of days of family leave is defined by law, but whether the leave is paid or not is defined in the collective agreements negotiated by trade unions. “Allowing fathers to take more time off and taking diverse family types better into account is very important for equality,” says Tuula Aaltola, collective agreement expert in the private sector from TEK.
News article

Maria Kultanen ja Lasse Heikkilä leikkivät kaksostensa kanssa.
Maria Kultanen and Lasse Heikkilä, the parents of six-month-old twins, are dividing their family leave equally. The decision was a no-brainer – there is no primary and secondary caretaker in this family, but both parents know what to pack in the diaper bag.
News article

Joukko ihmisiä istuu pöydän ääressä.
The Finnish labour market is based on a collaborative approach with all societal parties involved in the market. TEK represents the interests of our members and promotes good working conditions for all.

Kolme henkilöä keskustelee.
Hidden jobs have been a hot button issue in conversations about job seeking for a long time. What are they actually and why are they hiding?
News article

Rantanen Anssi

Get to know candidates for the Elections for the European Parliament who are members of TEK! You can filter candidates based on the party.


Opiskelijoita istuu auringossa haalarit päällä
TEK gives starter salary recommendations for recent graduates and trainees annually. Check out what kind of salary you can ask for!

TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen kuvattuna TEKin toimistolla
In Finland, we should be creating more work that is so productive that it is worth paying generously for and also taking good care of the people behind it.
Blog post

TEKin hallituksen puheenjohtaja Mari-Leena Talvitie
The duties of TEK's chair can be divided into TEK activities and other advocacy efforts. Board activities are governed by values, the council agreement and the annual budget and plan.
Blog post

mies, lapsi

Henkilö työskentelee läppärin kanssa sohvalla.
Danske Bank offers valuable benefits on investments and housing loans, for example.

Piiroskuvassa on kolme opiskelijaa matematiikkaa kuvaavien elementtien kanssa.
How easily do academic engineers and architects graduating from different fields of study find jobs? Are there major differences between different fields in terms of pay or the satisfaction with studies? TEK studied these questions.
News article

01 Career planning


Careers are constantly changing and evolving. Career planning can help you define the direction you want to take in your working life. Career planning helps you to think about your future career aspirations, formulate your goals and plan the next steps towards your goals. However, it is important to keep your career plans flexible enough, as it is important to be open to the opportunities that lie ahead. It is also wise to be prepared for the possibility that your plans may change as new information and interests emerge. Careers are rarely linear; you can also change direction along the way, try something new or go back.

The goal of career planning is to form basic models for your potential professional futures. Self-knowledge is the basis of an effective career planning. When you know yourself and know what you can do, what interests you, what motivates you and what kind of goals you have, you can have a better insight on the direction that you want to go in your career.

Career planning

A career is the chain of different jobs and working life experiences that is unique and different for all of us. Somebody’s career can be a like a train, moving in a straight line towards more and more challenging tasks within a single industry. Somebody else might advance at a slower pace or expand their competence to include other industries as well, moving from one expert position to another, perhaps even changing industries. The third person might have several employers simultaneously and be working on many different things at the same time. 

The goal of career planning is to form basic models for your potential professional futures. Your own ideas are what matter – not the choices of your family or friends, or whatever is currently hot in the media. The basic models for your career develop, change and become richer as you gain more work experience and grow professionally. The point in career planning is not to make a solid plan covering your whole working life. Instead, the models are there to give you some direction. Career planning is something that you can do constantly.

Why and how to plan your career?

Before jumping straight into the job search, take a moment to reflect on your where you want your career to go and to strengthen your self-knowledge. This will ensure that you are heading in a direction that is right and meaningful for you. By knowing what you want from your job and your professional future, you are more likely to make better choices in your job search, take decisions more easily and lay the foundation for your well-being and meaningful work. Without reflection, you may drift on the basis of external desires or your life circumstances and end up in jobs that are not suitable or motivating for you.  

You can and should start to think about your future career while you are still studying. Reflection also often helps you to make good choices in your studies. It's important to find out the fields that interest you so that you can direct your career in those areas. Gaining work experience from your own field already during your studies provides a good foundation for your ideas and planning. It is advisable to gather experience from different places, as spending two or three summers in the same job is not likely to provide you with new ideas.

However, you should not be too rigid in your plans, as you run the risk of missing out on unexpected but good job opportunities. In the right amount, it's worth letting curiosity lead the way in your career and trying different things. By keeping your mind and eyes open to different job opportunities, you'll tune your brain to spot various job opportunities and at the same time allow for chance.

So instead of rigid career planning, leave room for chance and keep an open mind to unexpected career opportunities. The key skills for finding career opportunities are curiosity, perseverance, flexibility, optimism and risk tolerance. You should openly seek opportunities to learn, experiment and expand your understanding. In the face of adversity, try to persevere. Embrace new opportunities. Seize opportunities and start somewhere, even if your destination is not clearly defined.  

Career plans tend to become clearer as you gain experience, develop your skills and learn about your work and yourself. You should start by focusing on what speaks to you in your career, what you are good at and what you are passionate about. Let your career be different from that of other people!  

Career planning means

Getting to know yourself
Developing your self-knowledge by getting to know your skills, perceptions, wishes, values ​​and interests in more detail.
Collecting information of working life and opportunities
Observing the world and other people around you, seeking information and finding out about different opportunities, tasks, roles, working methods and working environments.
Experimentation and curiosity
With open mind, experimenting alternatives in working life, for example different tasks, roles, ways of doing things, working environments and cultures, teams and organizations.

Career planning is about combining all of the above – your experiences and information you have discovered yourself or heard from others, as well as your skills, interests, feelings and personal values.

They form the basis you can use in the future when you need to make choices and decisions that feel meaningful. They offer a means to discover the lifestyle and manner of working that is best for you.

Exercise: Take a look at yourself before starting your job search ‹
Before starting the job search, check out the exercise "Take a look at yourself before starting your job search" in the toolkit.
TEK Lounge

The European elections are a technology election. We at TEK want to do our part to ensure that technology and those who make it are visible during the European elections. Find out more about TEK's European election goals and get to know candidates who are members of TEK.

Nuori tekee matematiikan tehtäviä tablettitietokoneella
Separate study groups for students interested in mathematics could be one option, but the key is to build a solid foundation for everyone already in comprehensive school. Grade inflation obscures the full picture.
News article

Owain Hopeaketo
It is so important that we all find the sources of positivity, then shout them out as loud as we can. If we don’t treat Finland as something worth fighting for, we lose the motivation to make meaningful change.
Blog post

Owain Hopeaketo istuu toimiston pöydän kulmalla.
“Do you know you have autistic traits?” It wasn’t a surprise to me when, during the pandemic and my complete burn-out at work, I was told this by a therapist.
Blog post